Evaluation of Currently Filled Positions

A Professional, Security and Grounds staff member may apply for their position to be evaluated whenever they believe the responsibilities and requirements of the position have changed. A supervisor can also initiate job evaluation discussions with the staff member.

Job evaluation is about the requirements of the position, rather than the experiences or skills that the Staff Member may have. Positions can only be considered for evaluation where there is someone in the position currently and there is a view that the work value has changed.

Definitions and Abbreviations

  • PTC – People, Talent and Culture
  • Supervisor – The person who is responsible for the performance management and supervision of the staff member
  • Cost Centre Manager – The person who is responsible for the financial management of a specific cost centre who may or may not be the supervisor. Typically, these are Executive Deans, and Managers.
  • Executive Leadership Team (ELT) or Nominee – Member of the Executive Leadership Team. Refer to the Vice Chancellors Authorisations.
  • Position Description (PD) – provides details about a position within the University environment
  • Applicable industrial instrument – Refers to the applicable Collective / Enterprise Agreement, Award, Australian Workplace Agreement, contract of employment or legislation

When is an application for reclassification not appropriate?

Higher-level activity instigated by the staff member (without endorsement by the supervisor) does not necessarily constitute grounds for an increased classification level. However, if a supervisor encourages or directs a staff member to assume additional responsibilities that the work area requires, this may form the basis of an application for the position to be evaluated.

The nature and level of duties should be reviewed between the staff member and their supervisor and clarified through performance management discussions.

It is not appropriate to reward above average performance through an increased classification level where the higher level is not consistent with the position requirements. Difficulties in the recruitment and retention of staff as a result of market factors should be addressed through the use of attraction and retention allowances or other methods of reward, rather than an increase to a classification level that is not consistent with work value.

For more information on remuneration and reward refer to the HR 28 Remuneration and Reward Policy, Market Allowance Guidelines and Performance-Based Remuneration Guidelines.

A higher duties allowance may be appropriate for tasks that involve additional, higher-level responsibilities for a fixed period.

Increased workload should be addressed by the supervisor as a workforce planning and resource issue.

The local PTC staff member will provide support throughout the process to both the supervisor and staff member. Joint consultation between all parties is encouraged to ensure issues are resolved. Where there are disagreements, the local PTC staff member will give clear and objective advice to both parties.

The Remuneration Team is available to provide further assistance if required. The staff member can choose to have a union representative or other support person present at all meetings.

Assistance is available from the following sources:

  • Remuneration Team
  • Local PTC staff member
  • The staff member's Supervisor

Indicative timelines

Refers to steps ahead:

  • Steps 1 to 6: 20 days (initiation through to sending the documentation to the Remuneration Team)
  • Steps 7 to 9: 20 days (Remuneration team evaluate through to final approval by Executive Director: PTC)