
Off campus work and activities that involve long distance driving can present a significant risk. UniSA staff, research students or volunteers may be required to drive long distances as part of their role in activities such as fieldwork, visiting regional venues or attending seminars or meetings in rural areas.

The Driving While Working form WHS06 is provided to guide managers, supervisors and others involved in driving activities with identifying hazards and selecting appropriate control measures at the planning stage, prior to commencing trips to eliminate or minimise harm.

Details of hazards and their risk control measures must be recorded in your local hazard register and regularly reviewed.

Please note: The following forms are updated frequently. Please access the forms from this page and do not store a local copy to avoid using outdated forms.




Internal and external driving courses are available. See the Risk Specific Training page for details on an internal 'Driver Safety' course and external 'Safe Driving Course'.

Important Heavy Vehicle Information

*UniSA staff driving buses and mini buses need to be aware of the following information*

New legislation commencing 1 May 2019  will introduce new penalties to drivers of buses and mini buses who are detected driving unsafely on the down-track of the South Eastern Freeway into Adelaide.    

These Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure fact sheets linked below provide clear explanations about the legislation, offences and penalties. 

  • Buses -  vehicles with a Gross Vehicle Mass of more than 4.5 tonnes or a vehicle with more than 12 seats including the driver’s seat

For Business vehicles the new penalties will see a substantial increase to the body corporate levy from $300 to $25,000.