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How do I set a screen lock timeout on an Android device?

  1. Through Apps or Settings on your Home Screen
    Android Apps
  2. Select Settings
    Android Settings
  3. Tap Lock Screen and Security
    Your screen should look similar to either:
    Android lock screen or Android lock screen
  4. Select Secure lock settings
    Android Secure Lock
  5. Select Lock automatically to set the time taken to lock after it turns off
    Android Lock Automatically
  6. Select the amount of time before the screen is locked.
    Recommend 30 seconds
    Android Screen Timeout
  7. Select Lock instantly with power key
  8. Go back to the Settings and then select Display
    Your screen should look similar to either:
    Android Display 
    Android Display
  9. Select Screen timeout
    Android Screen timeout
  10. Set the length of time the device waits before turning off the display’s backlight
    Recommend 30 seconds
    Android Screen timeout

Further Assistance

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